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A Single Page FAQ With Toggling Answers Using JQuery



Frequently Asked Questions


Who is WYZ works

We are WyzWorks! We specialize in ABS/PLA/HIPS 3D printing supplies accessories. We have a wide array of products that include; 3D Printer Filaments; ABS and PLA Injection Molding and Printing Pellets; PCL Molding Plastics; 3D Printer parts, accessories and much more. In association with different suppliers/manufacturers from around the world, we have many options for you. Our partners share the same vision of providing high quality products for the consumer market. Producing the best lab quality products and a high regard for quality control, you cannot go wrong with our materials. All of our products have been tested in house and instructions are provided for the different variations that of printing materials. WyzWorks is here to provide you with the best possible support for all past, present and future customers. Our knowledgeable full time staff is always available through e-mail, chat and phone to answer any questions or concerns you might have about any of our products. To all of you, from all of us at Wyz Works - Thank you and Happy shopping!


Does WYZ Works charge sales tax?

WYZ Works currently only charges sales tax to customers who reside in California. It's required by law that we charge sales tax in states where we have a physical presence.

Can I use PayPal?

Can I use PayPal? You sure can! To do so, simply choose the PayPal option when checking out or simply click on the paypal icon when shopping for quick checkout.


When will my order ship?

You're eagered to get that project started or finished. Understandable. You can check the status of your order by going to your account and clicking on, 'My Orders'. Here you will find estimated delivery date, as well as a copy of your invoice. When your order ship, we'll send a confirmation email that includes your tracking information. This tracking number will also be available in your account, so you can track the order's progress all the way to your doorstep.

Will you give me a tracking number?

Of course! When your order ships out you'll get an automatic e-mail with a tracking number. The tracking number will also be viewable in the 'order details' of any order in your history, just go to your account. We’ll provide the tracking number as soon as your order ships, but it sometimes takes 24-48 hours to go live within the shipper’s system. Please note: International shipments may take up to 4 days for tracking to appear.

Can I change the shipping address for my order?

As long as your order has not been sent to our shipping and packing department at our warehouse, you can change the shipping address for your order in your account. Click on the link next to your order to change your shipping address. If a link to change your shipping address does not appear, your order has either already shipped or has been sent to shipping and packing at our warehouse. We’d also like to add a friendly reminder to be absolutely sure that your shipping address is entered correctly. In order to feature so many different products and brands, our warehouse is designed to move very quickly. Once your order is being packaged, we no longer have time to change the shipping address. We also don’t have the ability to reship orders that are returned to sender. Stay on top of your game and make sure that your shipping information is 100% accurate, and there will be nothing to worry about.

Undeliverable package

Occasionally packages are returned back to our warehouse because the shipper has determined the package is undeliverable. When the carrier returns an undeliverable package to us, we automatically restock the items and issue a full refund (including shipping) back to the original form(s) of payment. **Please note: If your package was returned to our warehouse as undeliverable, we will not be able to re-ship your package. Tips to avoid having your package returned to sender: 1.) Make sure your address is correct before you complete your purchase. 2.) Enter information in the appropriate fields. -Address 1 (street address, P.O. box, company name, c / o) -Address 2 (apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.) 3.) Make sure your saved addresses have been entered correctly in your address book. Also make sure you’ve selected the proper “primary" address..

The shipper’s tracking page indicates that my package was delivered, but I don't have my order. What should I do?

On occasion, the shipper may update your delivery status a day early in anticipation of its final delivery. If you have not received a notice, or your package is still not delivered on the following business day, please check with members of your household, neighbors, apartment/office managers first to see if someone accepted the package for you. If you are still unable to locate your package, please feel free to contact us.

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